Nature, 16 January 2025, Volume 637 Issue 8046
材料科學Material Sciences
Janus graphene nanoribbons with localized states on a single zigzag edge
▲ 作者:Shaotang Song, Yu Teng et al.
▲ Abstract:
Here we report a general approach for designing and fabricating such ferromagnetic GNRs in the form of Janus GNRs (JGNRs) with two distinct edge configurations. Guided by Lieb’s theorem and topological classification theory, we devised two JGNRs by asymmetrically introducing a topological defect array of benzene motifs to one zigzag edge, while keeping the opposing zigzag edge unchanged. This breaks the structural symmetry and creates a sublattice imbalance within each unit cell, initiating a spin-symmetry breaking. Three Z-shaped precursors are designed to fabricate one parent ZGNR and two JGNRs with an optimal lattice spacing of the defect array for a complete quench of the magnetic edge states at the ‘defective’ edge. Characterization by scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy and first-principles density functional theory confirms the successful fabrication of JGNRs with a ferromagnetic ground-state localized along the pristine zigzag edge.
地球科學Earth Science
Sulfide-rich continental roots at cratonic margins formed by carbonated melts
▲ 作者:Chunfei Chen, Michael W. F?rster et al.
▲ Abstract:
Here we compile sulfur and copper contents of global cratonic peridotites, identifying sulfide-rich and copper-rich continental roots at depths of 160–190?km at cratonic margins. Our new high-pressure experiments show that carbonated silicate melts originating from the asthenosphere lose silicate components during reaction with lithospheric peridotite, evolving to carbonatite melts that become concentrated at cratonic margins. Sulfur solubility in melts substantially decreases as the SiO2content of melts decreases during this process, forcing sulfide precipitation and the formation of sulfide-rich continental roots at the base of the mantle lithosphere. The migration of carbonated melts towards cratonic margins replenishes the continental roots there with sulfur, explaining the co-location of magmatic metal deposits with carbonatites close to cratonic margins. These findings highlight the notable role of carbonated melts in metallogenesis and provide a potential platform for metal ore exploration.
Diversity and biogeography of the bacterial microbiome in glacier-fed streams
▲ 作者:Le?la Ezzat, Hannes Peter et al.
▲ Abstract:
Here, by leveraging metabarcoding and metagenomics, we provide a comprehensive survey of bacteria in the benthic microbiome across 152? Glacier-fed streams (GFSs) draining the Earth’s major mountain ranges. We find that the GFS bacterial microbiome is taxonomically and functionally distinct from other cryospheric microbiomes. GFS bacteria are diverse, with more than half being specific to a given mountain range, some unique to single GFSs and a few cosmopolitan and abundant. We show how geographic isolation and environmental selection shape their biogeography, which is characterized by distinct compositional patterns between mountain ranges and hemispheres. Phylogenetic analyses furthermore uncovered microdiverse clades resulting from environmental selection, probably promoting functional resilience and contributing to GFS bacterial biodiversity and biogeography. Climate-induced glacier shrinkage puts this unique microbiome at risk. Our study provides a global reference for future climate-change microbiology studies on the vanishing GFS ecosystem.
A combinatorial neural code for long-term motor memory
▲ 作者:Jae-Hyun Kim, Kayvon Daie & Nuo Li
▲ Abstract:
Here we tracked neural representation of learned actions throughout a significant portion of the lifespan of a mouse and show that learned actions are stably retained in combination with context, which protects existing memories from erasure during new motor learning. We established a continual learning paradigm in which mice learned to perform directional licking in different task contexts while we tracked motor cortex activity for up to six months using two-photon imaging. Within the same task context, activity driving directional licking was stable over time with little representational drift. When learning new task contexts, new preparatory activity emerged to drive the same licking actions. Learning created parallel new motor memories instead of modifying existing representations. Re-learning to make the same actions in the previous task context re-activated the previous preparatory activity, even months later. Continual learning of new task contexts kept creating new preparatory activity patterns. Context-specific memories, as we observed in the motor system, may provide a solution for stable memory storage throughout continual learning.
Diatom phytochromes integrate the underwater light spectrum to sense depth
▲ 作者:Carole Duchêne, Jean-Pierre Bouly et al.
在此,通過對硅藻光敏色素(DPH)介導的光譜變化進行體內劑量響應分析,我們發現DPH可以在整個光譜中觸發光可逆反應,導致DPH光平衡隨深度的變化。通過在硅藻Thalassiosira pseudonana中產生DPH突變體,我們還證明了在模擬海洋深度的低藍光條件下,DPH調節光合作用適應,從而將光學深度檢測與功能響應聯系起來。
▲ Abstract:
Here, by developing an in vivo dose–response assay to light spectral variations mediated by DPH, we show that DPH can trigger photoreversible responses across the entire light spectrum, resulting in a change in DPH photoequilibrium with depth. By generating dph mutants in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, we also demonstrate that under simulated low-blue-light conditions of ocean depth, DPH regulates photosynthesis acclimation, thus linking optical depth detection with a functional response. The latitudinal distribution of DPH-containing diatoms from permanently stratified regions to seasonally mixed regions suggests an adaptive value of DPH functions in coping with vertical displacements in the water column. By establishing DPH as a detector of optical depth, this study provides a new view of how information embedded in the underwater light field can be exploited by diatoms to modulate their physiology throughout the photic zone.
New Silurian aculiferan fossils reveal complex early history of Mollusca
▲ 作者:Mark D. Sutton, Julia D. Sigwart et al.
▲ Abstract:
Here we describe two new three-dimensionally preserved aculiferan species from the Silurian Herefordshire Lagerst?tte, which substantially extend the morphological and ecological range of the clade. Phylogenetic analyses indicate positions within a complex nexus of taxa and suggest reversals in the states of fundamental characters such as the presence of valves and the nature of the foot. In contrast to previous hypotheses of morphological conservatism, evolution in early aculiferans generated a profusion of unusual forms comparable to the diversification of other crown-group molluscs.
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