Nature, 8 Feb. 2024, VOL 626, ISSUE 7998
A recently formed ocean inside Saturn’s moon Mimas
▲ 作者:V. Lainey, N. Rambaux, G. Tobie, N. Cooper, Q. Zhang, B. Noyelles, et al.
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▲ Abstract:
Moons potentially harbouring a global ocean are tending to become relatively common objects in the Solar System. The presence of these long-lived global oceans is generally betrayed by surface modification owing to internal dynamics. Hence, Mimas would be the most unlikely place to look for the presence of a global ocean. Here, from detailed analysis of Mimas’s orbital motion based on Cassini data, with a particular focus on Mimas’s periapsis drift, we show that its heavily cratered icy shell hides a global ocean, at a depth of 20–30?kilometres. Eccentricity damping implies that the ocean is likely to be less than 25?million years old and still evolving. Our simulations show that the ocean–ice interface reached a depth of less than 30?kilometres only recently (less than 2–3?million years ago), a time span too short for signs of activity at Mimas’s surface to have appeared.
材料科學Materials Science
Stable blue phosphorescent organic LEDs that use polariton-enhanced Purcell effects
▲ 作者:Haonan Zhao, Claire E. Arneson, Dejiu Fan & Stephen R. Forrest
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研究組介紹了藍色PHOLED中極化子增強的珀塞爾效應。結果發現,等離子-激子極化激元(PEPs)顯著增加了珀塞爾效應的強度,在藍色PHOLED內50 nm厚的發射層(EML)中,平均珀塞爾因子(PF)達到2.4±0.2。與傳統PHOLED中的應用相比,青色發光Ir復合物器件的LT90(PHOLED亮度衰減到其初始值90%的時間)提高了5.3倍。
將色度坐標(0.14、0.14)和(0.15、0.20)轉換為深藍色,珀塞爾增強器件與類似的深藍色PHOLED相比壽命提升了10~14倍,其中一種結構達到了迄今為止報道的最長Ir復合物器件壽命LT90 = 140±20小時。極化激元增強的珀塞爾效應和微腔工程為延長深藍色PHOLED壽命提供了新的可能性。
▲ Abstract:
Phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes (PHOLEDs) feature high efficiency, brightness and colour tunability suitable for both display and lighting applications. However, overcoming the short operational lifetime of blue PHOLEDs remains one of the most challenging high-value problems in the field of organic electronics. Their short lifetimes originate from the annihilation of high-energy, long-lived blue triplets that leads to molecular dissociation. The Purcell effect, the enhancement of the radiative decay rate in a microcavity, can reduce the triplet density and, hence, the probability of destructive high-energy triplet–polaron annihilation (TPA) and triplet–triplet annihilation (TTA) events. Here we introduce the polariton-enhanced Purcell effect in blue PHOLEDs. We find that plasmon–exciton polaritons (PEPs) substantially increase the strength of the Purcell effect and achieve an average Purcell factor (PF) of 2.4?±?0.2 over a 50-nm-thick emission layer (EML) in a blue PHOLED. A 5.3-fold improvement in LT90 (the time for the PHOLED luminance to decay to 90% of its initial value) of a cyan-emitting Ir-complex device is achieved compared with its use in a conventional PHOLED. Shifting the chromaticity coordinates to (0.14,?0.14) and (0.15,?0.20) into the deep blue, the Purcell-enhanced devices achieve 10–14 times improvement over similarly deep-blue PHOLEDs, with one structure reaching the longest Ir-complex device lifetime of LT90?=?140?±?20?h reported so far. The polariton-enhanced Purcell effect and microcavity engineering provide new possibilities for extending deep-blue PHOLED lifetimes.
A rechargeable calcium–oxygen battery that operates at room temperature
▲ 作者:Lei Ye, Meng Liao, Kun Zhang, Mengting Zheng, Yi Jiang, Xiangran Cheng, et al.
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▲ Abstract:
Calcium–oxygen (Ca–O2) batteries can theoretically afford high capacity by the reduction of O2 to calcium oxide compounds (CaOx) at low cost. Yet, a rechargeable Ca–O2 battery that operates at room temperature has not been achieved because the CaOx/O2 chemistry typically involves inert discharge products and few electrolytes can accommodate both a highly reductive Ca metal anode and O2. Here we report a Ca–O2 battery that is rechargeable for 700 cycles at room temperature. Our battery relies on a highly reversible two-electron redox to form chemically reactive calcium peroxide (CaO2) as the discharge product. Using a durable ionic liquid-based electrolyte, this two-electron reaction is enabled by the facilitated Ca plating–stripping in the Ca metal anode at room temperature and improved CaO2/O2 redox in the air cathode. We show the proposed Ca–O2 battery is stable in air and can be made into flexible fibres that are weaved into textile batteries for next-generation wearable systems.
Recovery of isolated lithium through discharged state calendar ageing
▲ 作者:Wenbo Zhang, Philaphon Sayavong, Xin Xiao, Solomon T. Oyakhire, Sanzeeda Baig Shuchi, Rafael A. Vilá, et al.
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▲ Abstract:
Rechargeable Li-metal batteries have the potential to more than double the specific energy of the state-of-the-art rechargeable Li-ion batteries, making Li-metal batteries a prime candidate for next-generation high-energy battery technology. However, current Li-metal batteries suffer from fast cycle degradation compared with their Li-ion battery counterparts, preventing their practical adoption. A main contributor to capacity degradation is the disconnection of Li from the electrochemical circuit, forming isolated Li. Calendar ageing studies have shown that resting in the charged state promotes further reaction of active Li with the surrounding electrolyte. Here we discover that calendar ageing in the discharged state improves capacity retention through isolated Li recovery, which is in contrast with the well-known phenomenon of capacity degradation observed during the charged state calendar ageing. Inactive capacity recovery is verified through observation of Coulombic efficiency greater than 100% on both Li||Cu half-cells and anode-free cells using a hybrid continuous–resting cycling protocol and with titration gas chromatography. An operando optical setup further confirms excess isolated Li reactivation as the predominant contributor to the increased capacity recovery. These insights into a previously unknown pathway for capacity recovery through discharged state resting emphasize the marked impact of cycling strategies on Li-metal battery performance.
地球科學Earth Science
Elevated Southern Hemisphere moisture availability during glacial periods
▲ 作者:Rieneke Weij, J. M. Kale Sniderman, Jon D. Woodhead, John C. Hellstrom, Josephine R. Brown, Russell N. Drysdale, et al.
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▲ Abstract:
Late Pleistocene ice-age climates are routinely characterized as having imposed moisture stress on low- to mid-latitude ecosystems. This idea is largely based on fossil pollen evidence for widespread, low-biomass glacial vegetation, interpreted as indicating climatic dryness. However, woody plant growth is inhibited under low atmospheric CO2, so understanding glacial environments requires the development of new palaeoclimate indicators that are independent of vegetation. Here we show that, contrary to expectations, during the past 350?kyr, peaks in southern Australian climatic moisture availability were largely confined to glacial periods, including the Last Glacial Maximum, whereas warm interglacials were relatively dry. By measuring the timing of speleothem growth in the Southern Hemisphere subtropics, which today has a predominantly negative annual moisture balance, we developed a record of climatic moisture availability that is independent of vegetation and extends through multiple glacial–interglacial cycles. Our results demonstrate that a cool-moist response is consistent across the austral subtropics and, in part, may result from reduced evaporation under cool glacial temperatures. Insofar as cold glacial environments in the Southern Hemisphere subtropics have been portrayed as uniformly arid, our findings suggest that their characterization as evolutionary or physiological obstacles to movement and expansion of animal, plant and, potentially, human populations should be reconsidered.
Country-specific net-zero strategies of the pulp and paper industry
▲ 作者:Min Dai, Mingxing Sun, Bin Chen, Lei Shi, Mingzhou Jin, Yi Man, et al.
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▲ Abstract:
The pulp and paper industry is an important contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. Country-specific strategies are essential for the industry to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, given its vast heterogeneities across countries. Here we develop a comprehensive bottom-up assessment of net greenhouse gas emissions of the domestic paper-related sectors for 30 major countries from 1961 to 2019—about 3.2% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions from the same period—and explore mitigation strategies through 2,160 scenarios covering key factors. Our results show substantial differences across countries in terms of historical emissions evolution trends and structure. All countries can achieve net-zero emissions for their pulp and paper industry by 2050, with a single measure for most developed countries and several measures for most developing countries. Except for energy-efficiency improvement and energy-system decarbonization, tropical developing countries with abundant forest resources should give priority to sustainable forest management, whereas other developing countries should pay more attention to enhancing methane capture rate and reducing recycling. These insights are crucial for developing net-zero strategies tailored to each country and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 for the pulp and paper industry.
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